Wiltshire Geology Group
Wiltshire Geology Group

NEW... see Events - guided walks

Wiltshire's landscape is inextricably bound up with the rocks beneath the surface. It is our aim to raise public awareness of Earth Sciences and draw peoples attention to the way the landscape, and the towns and villages within it, are influenced by the underlying geology.


Wiltshire Geology Group


Tel: 01380 871008

Email: info@wiltshiregeologygroup.org.uk

WGG Membership Application
WGG Membership application pdf.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [90.7 KB]

Joining the Wiltshire Geology Group offers the opportunity to see and enjoy geology in the field. For only £5 per year you can become a member (£2 for students). Just download and print the application form below, and send it with the payment to the address specified on the form.



Any other questions just contact us at the address above or send us a message using the form below.

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