Wiltshire Geology Group
Wiltshire Geology Group

NEW... see Events - guided walks

Wiltshire's landscape is inextricably bound up with the rocks beneath the surface. It is our aim to raise public awareness of Earth Sciences and draw peoples attention to the way the landscape, and the towns and villages within it, are influenced by the underlying geology.


Bradford-on-Avon and Avoncliff Information Board and Trail Guide

A project funded by Awards for All and Natural England in 2007 resulted in both a trail-guide around this picturesque stone-built town and the excavation of an interesting Jurassic sea-floor, with information board beside it.

The excavation site is at Baileys Barn Road, Moulton Drive on the margin of a huge pit created in the 18th century to obtain clay for the lining of the Kennet and Avon Canal. The pit is famous for fossils and has been described by several geological authors. Fossil sea-creatures can still be picked up from the sides of the site.


The information board itself (see pictures) is situated on the edge of the specially excavated demonstration pit.

The Bradford-on-Avon Claypit information board
The Bradford-on-Avon Claypit information board
Bradford ClayPit Info Board.jpg
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